Effective English with eTwinners Projemiz 2020

22.01.2020 704


İngilizce Öğretmenimiz İlknur Gözeri'nin kurucusu olduğu 3. Sınıflara özgü olan Effective English with eTwinners Projemiz



Our main aim is to create effective English lessons for our eTwinners at 3rd Grade of Primary Schools.We need to motivate them to participate actively in English lessons.We wish our students to become more effective in using English for Active Learning.We also want to prepare creative products for 3rd Grade of English Curriculum with our eTwinners by using web 2.0 Tools of ICT and make them widespread to be used effectively in English lesssons to inspire other eTwinners.We will pay attention to eSafety.Our students at 3rd Grade need to participate democratically in the activities of our School Teams.As known,we have English classes in Primary Schools but they aren't enough for students.We want them to become more aware of English and use it in their daily lives.Also,we will relate English Lesson into other relevant subjects to create Project Based Learning.

Hedefleri:Our aims for eTwinners at 3rd Grade in Primary School are:

They will:

-be motivated and participate actively in effective English Lessons

-become more effective in using English for Active Learning

-prepare creative English products for 3rd Grade and make them widespread to be used effectively in English lesssons to inspire other eTwinners

-use and develop web 2.0 Tools of ICT for 3rd Grade of English Curriculum

-pay attention to eSafety

-participate democratically in the activities of our School Teams

-become more aware of English and use it in their daily lives

-relate English Lessons with other relevant subjects for Project Based Learning

-integrate Coding into the 1st Unit of English Curriculum which is Greeting

-prepare Effective Coding Activity of children greeting with E Letters

-raise awareness to Specific Days and Weeks of the World

-relate our Project with Education of Values every month

Çalışma Süreci:

Our working period is from October to May in 2019-2020:

in October:prepare School Teams,distribute roles,introduce ourselves,schools,prepare logos,choose common Project logo by Democratic Participation,integration of Coding into the 1st Unit of English Curriculum which is Greeting,2nd Unit 'My Family' and other relevant subjects,relation of Honesty Value with Project,events,News for dissemination,

in November:3rd Unit 'People I love,relevant subjects,Patience,World Children's Day

in December:4th Unit 'Feelings',relevant subjects,Helpfulness,Human Rights and Democracy Day

in January:5th Unit 'Toys and Games',relevant subjects,Responsibility

in February:poster,common video for eSafety,6th Unit 'My House',relevant subjects,Justice

in March:7th Unit 'in My City',:8th Unit 'Transportation' ,relevant subjects,Patriotism,Tolerance

in April:9th Unit 'Weather',10th Unit 'Nature',relevant subjects,Cleanliness

in May:Love&Respect,common creative English products for 3rd Grade,make them widespread to inspire other eTwinners,Evaluation by School Teams

Beklenen Sonuçlar:

At the end of the project,our students at 3rd Grade will:

-be motivated and participate actively in effective English Lessons

-become more effective in using English for Active Learning

-prepare creative English products for 3rd Grade and make them widespread to be used effectively in English lesssons to inspire other eTwinners

-use and develop web 2.0 Tools of ICT for 3rd Grade of English Curriculum

-pay attention to eSafety

-participate democratically in the activities of our School Teams

-become more aware of English and use it in their daily lives

-relate English Lessons with other relevant subjects for Project Based Learning

-integrate Coding into the 1st Unit of English Curriculum which is Greeting

-prepare Effective Coding Activity of children greeting with E Letters

-raise awareness to Specific Days and Weeks of the World

-relate our Project with Education of Values every month

3. Sınıf Öğrencileriyle İngilizce Öğretmenimiz İlknur Gözeri Müfredattaki 4. Ünite olan (Feelings) Duyguları Effective English with eTwinners Projemizle ilişkilendirerek 3D yüzler yaptı. 3. Sınıf Okul Proje Takımımız duygularını oluşturdukları 3D yüzlerle gösterdi ve ingilizce ifade etti.Ürünlerimizi eTwinning Proje Panomuzda sergiledik.



Yeşilbağlar Mah. Turgutpaşa Cad. Sezin Sok. No 12 Pendik/İST. ULAŞIM 1. KartalTopselvi Minibüs Turgutpaşa Cd. 50m 2.Pendik Topselvi Minibüs Hakmar durak 200m 3.METRO YakacıkAdnan Kahveci durak 2.çıkış 350m 4.PenKadıköy İBB 16Y Hudut cd. durağı 200m

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