İngilizce Öğretmenimiz İlknur Gözeri'nin kurucusu olduğu 4. Sınıflara özgü olan Focus on English eTwinning Projemiz
Our main aim is to improve all English Language skills of students aged 9-11 in Primary School (at 4th Grade) We want to create enjoyable lessons to improve theır success in English skills.We will share and exchange ideas about permanent English learning and teaching process at 4th Grade which is fundamental to theır next education.We wish to integrate technology into our lessons,make our students use online web tools.We will prepare useful English materials for 4th Grade of English Curriculum.We will upload,present and exchange our educational concept through communication technologies to be available for every School.eSafety and Democratic Participation are important.
Our students at 4th Grade / aged 9-11 in Primary School will:
-be involved in enjoyable English Lessons to improve success in English skills
-be more competent in all skills of English Language learning process
-integrate technology in English Lessons
-use/be aware of web 2.0 tools
-raise awareness to eSafety
-prepare useful materials for 4th Grade of English Curriculum with us
-upload,present and exchange our educational concept to be available for every School
-participate democratically into our Project
Çalışma Süreci:
This project will last during the school year 2019-2020 (from September to June)
We will
in September
-organise members
-plan activities,distribute tasks
-create School Teams by parent permission documents of eSafety
-a school badge,a video to introduce our school
-a video,a poster for European Day of Languages
-a poster,a logo proposal,choose our Common Logo by Democratic votes and use it on our work.
in October:
-celebrate Europe Code Week by our common activity 'Coding Turkish Flags'
-relate 'Classroom Rules' and 'Nationality' Units of English Curriculum into our Project
in November:'Cartoon Characters' Unit
in December:'Free Time' Unit
in January:'My Day' Unit
in February:a poster,common brochure and video for eSafety Day,'Fun with Science' Unit
in March:'Jobs' Unit
in April:'My Clothes' Unit
in May:'My Friends' and 'Food and Drinks' Units
in June:evaluation,survey,common useful English materials for 4th Graders
Beklenen Sonuçları:
At the end of the Project,our students at 4th Grade / aged 9-11 in Primary School will:
-be involved in enjoyable English Lessons to improve success in English skills
-be more competent in all skills of English Language learning process
-integrate technology in English Lessons
-use/be aware of web 2.0 tools
-raise awareness to eSafety
-prepare useful materials for 4th Grade of English Curriculum with us
-upload,present and exchange our educational concept to be available for every School
-participate democratically into our Project
Focus on English eTwinning Proje Takımı Öğrencileri ile İlknur Gözeri, Okulumuzda Kodlama Etkinliği oluşturdu. 4. Sınıf öğrencilerimiz Türk Bayrağı Kodlaması yapıp Proje Panomuzda sergiledi. Avrupa Kodlama Katılım Belgemizi ve Sertifikamızı aldık.